
King Family Tree

Family Photos

Kinship Report

Pollack Family Tree

Contact Page


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Bert King: Historian

The King family owes a debt of gratitude to Bert Marcus King, great grandson of Eliazer, for his ceaseless efforts to amass all the necessary information to create this tree. Working under the gun to get this material together for his father, Joseph's, 90th birthday, Bert assembled and created two family trees, the Kings and the Pollacks, in short order. Pictures from the historic party are available in the photo album section. This site is maintained by webmaster Lenard Glen King.



Eliazer and Bessie Lewin King (possibly Israel and Rosie) were born in Russia about the 1830's. Their union produced three offspring, Marcus, David and an un-named daughter. King is not a Russian name, but this anglicized version of an unknown Russian name was given to the family, probably by immigration officials, as was the custom, in 1885, when Marcus Isaac King emigrated to the United States. Marcus was a dentist who married Bertha Pollack and produced three living offspring, Lawrence, Charlotte, and Joseph. Joseph is the only remaining sibling still alive, and recently celebrated his 95th. birthday(June 2006). At this writing, the number of known descendants now amounts to 144, the chart of which, is on the tree page. The youngest descendants are the twins Jenna and Jared Camacho. It would be impossible to list all the occupations or trades of the individuals on the list, but a small sampling includes dentists, doctors, lawyers, teachers, a photographer, and musicians..
David and Marsha King produced six offspring, Lewis, Anna, Roxie, Reba, Alexander, and Hilda. And, the un-named daughter King and spouse Jacob Krenowitz(Changed to Cranin) produced four offspring, Sam, Leo, Lena and Celia. All of the current descendants stem from those thirteen grandchildren of Eliazer and Bessie. As is the case with many family trees, details and data are missing. So it is with this tree. You will notice surnames and dates missing from some of the entries. It is earnestly hoped these missing links will be filled in as more information is uncovered.


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